Today an average person consumes around 24 kilograms of sugar each
year (9kg more in industrializes countries), and because of that many
scientific studies
tried to examine positive and negative effects of this popular food
substance. In all of their findings, some effects could be tested and
proven to be
true, but many were left inconclusive and unfinished. With that
thing said, benefits of sugar are much easier to prove than harmful
Sugar can have many positive effects on your life and metabolism. Here they are:
Calorie content – Sugar has a high calorie content that will give your body energy that you lack. However, all that energy is short lived and it can only give your short bust of increased productivity. Because sugar contains four calories per gram, but it lacks nutritious value (no dietary fibers) and because of that sugar is only an added ingredient in many meals.
– Scientists have proven that diabetes is a genetic condition that
is created from the moment we are born. Eating bad food and lots of
sweets and fats can
only decrease the efficiency of the pancreas, but in moderate use
there are no health risks.
Skin health
– Sugar’s glycolic acid can be very helpful in maintaining the
health and look of your skin. Using it can help elimination blemishes
and restoring the
balance in the skin’s oils.
Less processed
– Many people use high-fructose corn syrup as a means of sweetening
their food, but that product is highly processed and can cause problems
to their
digestion. Sugars consist only from natural ingredients that can be
processed easily by our metabolism.
Blood and insulin benefits - Many foods that have in them glucose are sweet, but our bodies (and especially liver) have larger problem disassembling glucose than fructose that can be found in sugar. Because of this, insulin levels will be greatly increased during the short periods of time, making you feel energetic and powerful. Sadly after that initial rush, drop of insulin will also make you hungry for more sweets. But that is not all. Because of the influence of sugar’s glucose has on the hormone leptin, you will indeed feel more full than after eating foods with fructose.
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